Seeker Magazine

Volume 9, Issue 3
March 2003

Table of Contents


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From the Staff & Core Contributors:

Thoughts of a Seeker : Not Too Much to Ask For - by Cherie Staples

The Hunting of the Great Bear : Adapted by NovaReinna

The Resurrection - by Harry Buschman (short story)

Stress Relief - by Susan Kramer

Skyearth Letters: Just One and One and One - Cherie Staples

The Centurion's Helmet - by Lincoln Donald (short story)

A Confessional Perspective - by Peter Sawtell, Eco-Justice Ministries

From This Month's New and Returning Writers:

"Crappy To Happy" Tax Time Tips And Money Insights - by Randy Peyser

Now Your Vote is the Property of a Private Corporation - by Thom Hartmann

The OFFAL Awards - by Will Berry

Truth Evolves - by Ornesha De Paoli

Spiritual Activism - by Neal Ryder

Poems - by Richard Denner

Poet Portrait - jj goss

The Gryphon's Nest - by Selected Poets
  " Simply Love
       by Rodney Coates
  "The Thorns Agony "
       by Puja Goyal
  "Class Struggle"
       by Matt Jablonski
  "I Will Meet The Morning "
       by Roger B. Humes
  "Some General Semantics"
       by Frank Anthony

Seeker's Link of the Month:
     Yes Magazine (particularly "The War Against Ourselves" about the depleted uranium poisoning)

About Seeker Magazine:
Seeker Mission Statement - What is Seeker?
Seeker Staff
Submission Guide
Index of Previous Issues
Index of Contributors (updated through August)

Letter to the Editor: Cherie Staples