Seeker Magazine - June/July 2005


Rhapsodies in Words

to reawaken our fascination with the ever-original SOUL

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Smiling Into Sunshine

(God Knows)

You might as well blame God for creating cliffs
And you've tripped and fallen
Into the darkest pit of darkness
And as you're brought to your knees,
      scrapped and bleeding,
You hear a voice ask,

      "How, Lord, do I get out of here?"

           Funny, seems like that voice
           Spoke with you before.

Some of us come into this life with wounds
Some of us have wounds inflicted upon us
And, needlessly said, many of us plunge our deepest
      and most hateful wounds by a knife held within our own hands.

ALL CUT UP WORLD'S CUT UP you're such a cut up

                  S o m e t i m e s
                  t h e s e      w o u n d s
                  S e e m      L i k e       T h e
                  u n k i n d e s t       c u t      o f       a l l . . . SUCH A CUT UP

Lord, I do not know
Why you had to bring me to my knees
To bring me closer to You.
I'm not laughing.

In itself
Should be funny.

It's funny . . .

Then again,
It's isn't
That funny.

When underneath sadness
Is a red ribbon of rage.

And here I am again,
God, wasn't I here
Not that long ago?

What -----------------------
      do you want of me? Could I be missing
                                    a n       o b v i o u s             door/


                                   god       only       knows

Here I am once again, before
You, would you please lift me
And carry me home?

I'm here / I've shown up

I am so weary
I am so tired
And I want to die

And, needless to say,
I am crying.

                  I think, after all this
                  We should spend the morning
                  Picking strawberries in the snow.

And for the rest of you
Smiling into the sunshine
Which, like understanding,
Can blister your skin, should you get too close,
Especially before you are ready, I see rays of hope:

I know that none of us here are without some pain
And soon, even those of us fortunate to be loved
Are wounded not too long after we arrive.

How ironic...

Surely it is a kind and loving God
Who will every second remind us
That no matter how flawed and burnt we are

We need only be wounded in order to be healed
We need only to be sick in order to be well
We need only be in pain in order to experience
the deepest well of joy

Well - Being

From this bottomless pit of darkness where I have dwelt
I have become anointed. Explain to me now
This miracle -

And the angels shall throw a party with hula hoops of joy
And the waves will crash upon an endless beach
Of whitest sand and turquoise tides
Carrying my Spirits to the reef, the balm, the embrace
Of His Healing.

I still cannot fathom Your depths Lord
I remain as flawed as You are brilliant
I cannot contain your completion
And the blood of sunlight streams through Your Universe
And Waters the Word Made Flesh
Just as unto You I am bleeding.

                  They tell me that sea water and blood
                  Are more alike than unlike. And so
                  Take this sacrifice, where I've lost my way
                  And bring me back all my ancient humours - - - even melancholy
                  So that one thing - - above all - - I shall never forget

Should I forgo the ability to feel
I have lost the depth
To appreciate you, my God,
My Salvation.

And once again, Lord, take my sorrow
I give it to you with a curious thanks

God knows what you were thinking when you created me
God knows what you were feeling when you allowed us
To share in your Creation
God only knows why there has to be such pain and suffering

And so help me Lord,
As daily you bring me to my knees
I will hold you in my heart
And climb once again out from the pit
Into your lap

Which spans the breadth of all the Heavens
And nestles
      to the far reaches of the infinite sky.

(Copyright 2005 by Darius Gottlieb. No reproduction without express permission from the author)

You're invited to visit Darius' website for more of his photographs and his music at Art Bliss

Letter to the Author at
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