Seeker Magazine

Volume 12, Issue 6
June/July 2005 - Tenth Anniversary Issue

Table of Contents


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From the Staff & Core Contributors:

Thoughts of a Seeker - Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of Seeker Magazine - by Cherie Staples

Kissing Cousins - by Harry Buschman (short story)

Visits on Earth - by Susan Kramer

Avant Soul: Rhapsodies in Words
     by Darius Gottlieb
  Smiling Into Sunshine
  When This Day Is Your Last

Skyearth Letters: Today - by Cherie Staples

"The Population Problem"
   and "Average Awareness" -
     by Peter Sawtell, Eco-Justice Ministries

From This Month's New and Returning Writers:

Poet Portrait - Manav Sachdeva Maasoom

New Way to Inherit Harm - by Tim Montague (from Rachel's Environment & Health News)

Prose: Brisling's Code and Five Poems - Tom Sheehan

The Power Of Purpose - Part 2 - by Tom Heuerman

"My Muse" and Other Poems - by Anne Lebrecht

Doing Unto Other Marketing Methodology - by Diana Kennedy

Drought - by Shane Kasselman

Life on Mars (Part 3 of 3) - Dan Lukiv (Poems)

Of Angelic Blood - Phillip Darrell Collins (short story)

The Gryphon's Nest - by Selected Poets
  "we're going to see Dido, Queen of Carthage"
       by Michael Estabrook
  "Break Free"
      by Cheri Fry
  "The fallen angels"
       by Joneve McCormick
       by Raud Kennedy
  "Triptych in Arabesque"
       by Shadwynn

Seeker's Links of the Month:
     Toward An Ignorance-Based World View - by Wes Jackson of The Land Institute, in which he "[i]magine[s] an ignorance-based science and technology in which practitioners would be ever conscious that we are billions of times more ignorant than knowledgeable and always will be." The Land Institute is an organization in Salina, Kansas, that "has worked for over 20 years on the problem of agriculture. Our purpose is to develop an agricultural system with the ecological stability of the prairie and a grain yield comparable to that from annual crops" through the breeding of perennial grains.

     Against Discouragement - Spelman College Commencement Address, May 2005 by Howard Zinn...."The truth has a power greater than a hundred lies"

About Seeker Magazine:
Seeker Mission Statement - What is Seeker?

Submission Guide

Index of Previous Issues

Index of Contributors (updated through February 2005)

Seeker Staff

Letter to the Editor: Cherie Staples