Seeker: ""My Muse" and Other Poems - June/July 2005

Seeker Magazine - June/July 2005

"My Muse" and Other Poems

by Anne Lebrecht

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My Muse

She lingers in the shadows of my mind.
She taunts me, stirs my every thought.
Engulfs my memories, my heart, and soul.
She surrounds me, there's no escape.
I cannot sleep, eat or drink.
My Goddess of reflection.
I feel your kindred spirit from within.
Be at peace, my Muse, for I shall now begin.

My Friend is Dying

Yesterday we said goodbye
Touching one last time
Goodbye shared laughter joy and tears.
Discussions, reasons why we're here.
Goodbye my friend, but not for long,
A breeze will soon unite us.
Trees will whisper what we speak,
Oceans sound our laughter.
Friendship endured, for forty years.
Death will never part us.
For memories shared so long a time,
Inhabit life eternal.

My Eternity

Her hands so small,
His smile so warm.
Each trust and love,
Their hold upon reality.

Cleft in chin, hair of gold.
His voice so sweet it calms my soul.
Hands entwined, they walk away.
This miracle I now behold,
Is my eternity.

Clothes pins.

Old tired pins upon a line.
Bounce with breezes, wet by rain.
Once held diapers, sheets and clothes.
Gently swayed while dried by sun.

These happy sights upon my mind,
Though now in distant past.
The smell of fresh dried clothes.
Brought in to fold at days end.

Now worn dried wood hangs in disgrace
Clings unkempt upon the line.
A young mother with child
In stroller, passes by.

A new sight the child does see.
As his small finger points.
He asks "What's that?"
Young mother looks and now replies.
"I do not know."

Copyright 2005 by Anne Lebrecht (No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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Letter to the Author: Anne Lebrecht