This is a 3-Part essay, combining:
Part One - a perspective for consideration on empathic healing, "One Intuited Scenario of how Jesus Healed/Heals"
Part Two - a brief description of the "Invoc-Q" technique, which is utilized in Part Three.
Chris Pringer, LMP, MH Chalice Productions Lic. Massage Therapist in Alchemical Art & Writing *Body-Mind Integrative Bodywork* 1819 10th Ave. West, #102 Reg. Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master Seattle, WA 98119 Essays on Health & Healing 206-286-0899/
Professional Bio: Chris Pringer has been a student of multi-level self-healing since 1973, and have practiced professional massage and healing facilitation for others since 1984. This includes exploring personal challenges and self-healing methodology. His primary interest is Body Centered Psycho-Spiritual Process.
Chris is a licensed massage therapist, registered Hypnotherapist, and Reiki Master. He has studied (mostly informally) eastern & gestalt psychology and existential in philosophy. He is trained in massage and related bodywork and body-centered psychology (1,370 hrs+), as well as in various forms of energy work, hypnotherapy, and aromatherapy. He does basic grounded "troubleshooting" of the musculature (as appropriate for a massage therapists application) for injuries and chronic conditions.