Seeker Magazine
Volume 9, Issue 7
September 2003 - Eighth Anniversary Issue
Table of Contents
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From the Staff & Core Contributors:
Thoughts of a Seeker : Welcome Back! and "Returning" (a poem)- by Cherie Staples
Living Together - by Harry Buschman (short story)
Effects of Codependency on Body -- Mind - by Susan Kramer
A Private Investigation - by Lincoln Donald (short story)
Skyearth Letters: Church of the Open Barn - Cherie Staples
The Recycling Bug - by Peter Sawtell, Eco-Justice Ministries
From This Month's New and Returning Writers:
Simply Black And White - by Gerald Bosacker (short story)
"The Feast Of The Holy Innocents" and Other Poems - by Roger B. Humes
All The Cat Voices Singing - by William Berry (short story)
Big Hit at the Lone Wolf - by Gerald Sheagren (short story)
The Testament of Lilith - John Ballam (poem)
Jenna - by Alan M. Danzis (short story)
Poet Portrait - Frank Anthony
The Gryphon's Nest - by Selected Poets
by Luke Buckham
by Gary Lehmann
"Philosophical Shortening"
by Richard Ballon
"The Burning Question"
by Richard Ballon
"Shakespeare in Tears"
by Dr.Nilanshu Kumar Agarwal
Seeker's Links of the Month:
New Dimensions: audio programs of dialogues hosted by Michael Toms with such folks as Jim Hightower, Starhawk, Debbie Ford, Mirabai Starr
Depleted Uranium; a brief description of the IDUST (International Depleted Uranium Study Team); depleted uranium is and will continue to be the weapon of singular destruction that the United States government doesn't care to discuss
About Seeker Magazine:
Seeker Mission Statement - What is Seeker?
Seeker Staff
Submission Guide
Index of Previous Issues
Index of Contributors (updated through May)
Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples