Volume 12, Issue 7
Autumn 2005

Table of Contents

From Editor
  Cherie Staples

Thoughts of a Seeker - A New Look
Skyearth Letters: My Brother Phil

Short Stories

Twin Beds - by Harry Buschman

A Rose by Any Other Name - by Tom Sheehan


Chapbook Column: Vista - by Richard Denner

Evil in Society and Other Poems - Sharran WindWalker

Reduced Speed Ahead and Other Poems - by Raud Kennedy

Negative Theology and Other Poems - by Duane Locke
Atonement and Other Poems - by Joneve McCormick

Ecology, Work, and Politics

Get on Board and Other Personal Essays - by Frank Anthony

Never Good Enough - by Peter Sawtell, Eco-Justice Ministries

Renewal, High Energy, and Culture Change - by Tom Heuerman

Ending Government Regulation by Manufacturing Doubt - by Peter Montague (from Rachel's Environment & Health News)

Personal Growth

Developing Compassion and Kindness - by Susan Kramer

Avant Soul: The Universe Shall Be Your Altar - by Darius Gottlieb (a reprise from the archives)

Belief: Step One to Knowing Who You Are - by Matthew David Ward

A Recurring Question - by Julie Bolt

"We are going to Hell" Sorts of Things - by Karim Dempsey

Outside the Box

Real Ghosts, Ghost Hunting, and Quantum Physics - by Robbin Renee Bridges

Seeker's Link of the Month:

Sojourners, Editor Jim Wallis is the author of God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It.

About Seeker Magazine:

Seeker Mission Statement - What is Seeker?
Submission Guide
Index of Previous Issues
Index of Contributors (updated through Autumn 2005)

Seeker Staff

Thoughts of a Seeker

Autumn 2005

A New Look

Welcome, Seekers!

After much foot-dragging on my part, the Autumn issue of Seeker Magazine is here. A revised masthead has been created from a painting I worked on this past year under the guidance of a "Painting from the Source" leader. It was done on heavy paper with tempera paints, working for about eight nights painting and then painting over and painting over some more. If you've done an Aviva Gold-type painting class, you know what I mean.

A new format for the page with tables has been created by my sister, Molly, who is truly the unsung hero of actually getting all the content into coherent web-form and making it look nice to boot.

We've realigned the table of contents into categories and made it a table in itself. I hope it makes it as easy to hop back and forth as the frames allowed, yet without having to have the non-frame index page option, also. Time will tell if we like it as well.

Haven't gotten to creating a blog yet. I know that busy people tend to do the most things but I've been pretty darned busy and haven't gotten around to it. (By the way, I'm reading Jean Houston's A Mythic Life, her autobiography. It is some life she's experiencing! And the people she has worked with...Margaret Mead, Joseph Campbell, and the like. She tells her story with enthusiasm and chuckles and soul-searching.)

Thank you all for being with Seeker, for contributing over the years, or for being a new or recent contributor.


In the land of faerie where licorice's velvet soft leaves wave and geraniums splash their color lives my sister Pat.

Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples at Skyearth1@aol.com

Table of Contents

Letter to the Editor: Cherie Staples SkyEarth1@aol.com