Developing Unconditional Love
Susan Kramer
Loving is
what satisfies us. It is the energy that we feel as harmony from single
atom to worlds of atoms. All nature links in the "intelligent design"
of harmonious relationships of giving and sharing through knowing
The parts
align in completed forms with lovingness their glue. Each part serves
its purpose and respects the other parts functioning - each atom
surrendering its aspect of singleness into union of completeness by
mating with other atoms forming molecules.
Love is unity -
Love extends awareness into action to preserve harmony
As humans, love in the format of caring
keeps relationships nurtured and expanding
Loving is what counts
Lovingness pulls the loose ends of discord
back into the Self of harmony
By relaxing our self-centeredness
we lovingly seep into others' lives
Imbuing each action and interaction with lovingness
is the ultimate in creativity
Harmoniously blending with and uplifting
by our positive words and actions
allows us and others to feel good
Our bodies feel warm and our minds content
Creatively loving aligns us
with the Creator's efforts to promote
harmony in the consciousness of people
Every time we take the opportunity
to find a way to create harmony
in a circumstance or interaction
we reinforce lovingness in ourselves and others
Nothing feels better to us in body or mind
than the experience of love
We feel love by loving
We create the way
that makes every act the reality of love
by harmonizing all the aspects of the situation
Creative Lovingness
Harmony in every aspect of relatedness
Love is our Self
Transcending time, place, space
Love is our connection within immortality
By our increasing lovingness and caring in daily living
we come to greater awareness
of our underlying Self
Proficiency in lovingness grows and develops by practice
till it flows through our actions at all times
gracefully uplifting any situation to its highest capacity.
What is love?
Love is us manifesting through our purified mind
in caring thoughts and actions
The more often we are loving
the more often we are being our Self
Acting for our own and others' highest good
is the best way to show we care
about ourselves and others
It is from the feeling that we are interrelated
intermeshed within creation
that we naturally act for the highest good
Eventually, we feel so comfortable interacting with others
that we realize that no one is really a stranger
rather, all are aspects of our universal Self
Seeing that everything is an aspect of ourselves
our thoughts, and their subsequent actions
we naturally begin to care about the good of all
Stretching ourselves far and wide
embracing creation in our lovingness.
"Brothers and Sisters
Be warmed in heart and stilled in mind
An easeful body keeps us fine
With caring share
Joyfully feel love emanate
from everywhere
Brothers and Sisters
harmoniously bound in circling lives
encircling lives
In love's circle of joyfulness
with everyone and everywhere."
Developing Unconditional Love © 2006 Susan Kramer, Ph.D.
Web site http://www.susankramer.com
Author's Books http://www.lulu.com/susankramer
Email susan@susankramer.com
Photo credit Susan
Kramer; mallards on pond in Castricum, The Netherlands