Seeker Magazine

Volume 9, Issue 10
December 2003

Table of Contents


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From the Staff & Core Contributors:

Thoughts of a Seeker : What Light is This?- by Cherie Staples

Two "T's" in Watteau - by Harry Buschman (short story)

Hope for Holiness in the New Year - by Susan Kramer

Skyearth Letters: Feeding the Center of Being - Cherie Staples

Noisy and Noxious - by Peter Sawtell, Eco-Justice Ministries

We Three Kings - Reprise of a Christmas Folktale by Novareinna

From This Month's New and Returning Writers:

Tunnel Vision - by Gerald Sheagren (short story)

"If Art Had a Name" and Other Poems - by Roger B. Humes & Sheema Kalbasi (poems)

Letter From The Road: The Believer's Candle - by Elias Amidon

"Outside the Palace" and Other Poems - by Phibby Venable with photographs by Ric Nuttall

Psychological Piracy - by Michael Levy

Party Down Anasazi - by Richard Denner (poems)

A Beheaded Cart - by Sam Vaknin

"the anguish of departure" and Other Poems - by john sweet

An Imaginary Meeting - by David Milligan (poem)

Poet Portrait - Terry Scott Boykie

The Gryphon's Nest - by Selected Poets
       by Chris Brownsword
  "Concerning Dead Soldiers"
       by Gerald Bosacker
  "Painting in Sushi Bar"
       by Paul Murphy
       by Peter Vetrano

Seeker's Link of the Month:
     Sacred Sites: Places of Peace and Power. Explore the incredible sacred places of this world through the photographs and journals of Martin Gray

About Seeker Magazine:
Seeker Mission Statement - What is Seeker?
Seeker Staff
Submission Guide
Index of Previous Issues
Index of Contributors (updated through October)

Letter to the Editor: Cherie Staples