Seeker Magazine

Volume 9, Issue 6
June 2003

Dear Readers: Seeker Magazine is going to take a two-month vacation and will not be posting issues for July and August. If you do email submissions, I will collect them until the September issue, which may see some changes. I encourage you to delve into past issues by clicking on the "Index of Past Issues" or visit the "Contributors Index" for a list of pieces by author. There are 96 issues in the archives, and truly, it is full of treasures. Please, enjoy. And thank you for being a part of Seeker, whether writer or reader or both. -- Cherie

Table of Contents


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From the Staff & Core Contributors:

Thoughts of a Seeker : A Note From Ken - by Cherie Staples

Home Alone - by Harry Buschman (short story)

Transitions Everyday - by Susan Kramer

Avant Soul:
   Rhapsodies in Words
     by Darius Gottlieb
  We Dance In Each Other's Shadows
  Typhoons of Missed Distraction
  The Plumeria of King George

The House in River Road - by Lincoln Donald

Skyearth Letters: Road Trip in Colorado - Cherie Staples

Obedience and Authority - by Peter Sawtell, Eco-Justice Ministries

From This Month's New and Returning Writers:

Letter From The Road: From a Desert Monastery - by Elias Amidon

"The Wind" and Other Poems - by Debbie Helser

Fledgling Wings - by Myrna D. Badgerow

"Within The Heart Exists A Shadow" and Other Poems - by Roger B. Humes

"Fossil" and Other Poems - by Stephen O Hanlon

Living from Spirit: A New World Vision - by Diana Kennedy

"Traveler's Blues" and Other Poems - by Richard Denner

"A Plot of Soil Unspoiled by Your Remains" and Other Poems - by Kimberly (K.R.) Copeland

Poet Portrait - Barbara Southard

The Gryphon's Nest - by Selected Poets
  "Leaving Town"
       by Terry Boykie
  "The Shaman's Story"
       by Samuel A. Southworth
  "Ashamed Sun"
       by Raghab Nepal
  "Changes Everyday"
       by Sarah Lord Fairfax
  "The Feast"
       by Gerald Bosacker
  "Remaining Will Survive"
       by Frank Anthony
  "Going Stone"
       by Doug Paugh

Seeker's Links of the Month:
     Weaving Worlds: World Soul Retrieval

     Celtic Wisdom

     Boulder Institute, Spirit in Action

About Seeker Magazine:
Seeker Mission Statement - What is Seeker?
Seeker Staff
Submission Guide
Index of Previous Issues
Index of Contributors (updated through May)

Letter to the Editor: Cherie Staples